Starry Associates, Inc. (Starry) is pleased to announce the start of the company’s CMMI V2.0 initiative. Our ongoing priority is to maintain repeatable, documented, and appraised processes on behalf of our clients, and continually seek improvement to the programs, projects and the services we provide. Starry successfully achieved and has maintained Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) Version 1.3 Maturity Level 3 appraisal for both Development (DEV) and Services (SVC). As the CMMI Institute is sunsetting CMMI Version 1.3 in September 2020, and Starry’s three-year recertification will occur in July 2021, our appraisal for renewal will be conducted under the new V2.0, which includes significant process updates. For example, V2.0 improves the alignment of organizational processes with business objectives, improves the institutionalization of these processes and eliminates redundancies. Most currently-appraised processes will remain in place, with new elements and updates introduced as we utilize new V2.0 processes across our projects as well as the introduction of new process areas. Starry’s Enterprise Process Group (EPG) will lead this effort and work with our corporate and prime project teams to achieve this key milestone.